Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eight Ways Parents Can Be Involved With the Education of Their Children

1. Reading- Parents should spend quiet time with their children. Reading is one of the most effective ways to utilize that quiet time. Research has told us that reading is an important factor in the success of children. In addition to quiet time, parents should take their children to the bookstore or library on a regular schedule to try and motivate them to read. This process should begin at a very early age, but it is never too late.

2. Meeting with Teachers- Parents should become familiar with all the teachers who are responsible for their children's education. Teachers will be more involved with children if the parent's are involved with them. This can benefit the children by having someone who may make an extra effort to identify educational strengths and weaknesses. Parents who are involved will have a pipeline to the teacher, who can help them get assistance if their children are in need, or recommend special programs. Furthermore, children will be less likely to misbehave when they know their parents have a rapport with their teachers. Parent teacher conferences are a must for parents.
3. Provide Educational Environment- Parents should organize their home to be conducive to academic success for their children. The house should demonstrate that education is important. This can be done by having educational materials throughout the house, especially in the child's bedroom. This material can consist of computer, printer, books, magazines, plenty of of paper, pencils and notebooks. This environment should have something to read all over the house, as well as educational posters, art, and words on the child's wall in the bedroom.

4. Routines- When raising successful children, parents must develop routines that keep them on a schedule. These routines will give children a successful way to organize their life. Some of the routines that are important include: what time to get up in the morning, what time to go to bed at night, what time is set aside to study each night, limited television during the week, no video games during the week, reading every night, what time to do chores each day and what time to eat each day. Parents can develop the routines they think are important.

5. Extracurricular Activities- Parents can accelerate their children's education when they are exposed to extracurricular activities. For example, if five-year- old children began learning how to play the piano. Parents will notice how quickly they develop other skills. Reading, math, and listening skills will be enhanced. Furthermore, being involved in activities that require physical activities will also enhance educational capacity. The increase in heart rate from exercising will help improve the over-all fitness of children, thus making them more alert for school.

6. Educational Outings- Numerous educational benefits can be derived from taking children on educational trips throughout the country. Children who visit the zoo, parks, and aquarium can learn about animals. Museums can be exceptional for learning about history and art. During and after the trips parents should discuss what children observed from the outing. These benefits are very beneficial to the over-all education of the children.

7. Help with Homework- Parents should set up a specific time that children do homework each day. The schedule should be the same each day, so children can develop a routine. The location for the homework should have all necessary supplies such as; paper, pencil, dictionary, computer, printer, etc.; Parents should be available for assistance whenever needed and children should do some kind of homework every night.

8. Volunteering at School- Parents should try and be a part of their children overall education, which includes volunteering at school. Volunteering is something that will benefit the school and show your children that you are concerned about their education. Volunteering can be anything from going on a field trip with your child class or helping a teacher. It really doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something periodically.

Research has told us repeatedly, when parents are involved in their children's education, children learn better, earn higher grades, and are more likely to attend college. In addition, the research states that reading is the best indicator of success. This information should be very valuable to parents.

How the Right To an Education Destroys Our Children's Education

One of the most common arguments that school authorities use to justify public schools is that all children have a "right" to an education. Public-school apologists claim that all children have a right to an education, and that only the existence of a massive, compulsory, government-controlled public-school system can "guarantee" that right.
As I will explain below, the claim that all children have a right to an education ends up hurting the very children it was intended to help. I will therefore ask a seemingly shocking question -- do all children have a right to an education? If they do, public-school apologists are correct in assuming that we need government to guarantee that right so no child gets left behind.
What is an economic "right" such as the alleged right to an education? A "right" means that a person has a claim on the rest of society (other Americans) to give him some product or service he wants, regardless of whether he can pay for it or not. For example, if we claimed that everyone has a right to a car, that would mean if someone couldn't afford a car, government would give that person the money to buy it (the payment might be called a car voucher).

Similarly, if we say that all children have a right to an education, regardless of their parent's ability to pay tuition, then only government can guarantee this alleged right. Government has to guarantee this right because no private, for-profit school will admit a student if the parents don't pay tuition (unless the student gets a scholarship). If a private school doesn't get paid for its services, it soon goes out of business.
Local or state governments can guarantee this alleged right in two basic ways. They can own and operate all the public schools and force all children to attend these schools, or they can give subsidies (vouchers) to parents to pay for tuition in the private school of their choice. Since most school authorities strongly oppose vouchers, that means they support only a government-controlled system of compulsory public schools and school taxes to guarantee children this alleged right to an education.
But government produces nothing by itself. Government gets its money by taxing us. To guarantee this alleged right to a product or service, government tax collectors must therefore take money from one person to give it to another. They must take from Peter to pay Paul, as the saying goes. So, in effect, a person who demands food, housing, or medical care as an alleged right, is really demanding that government tax agents steal money from his neighbor to give him an unearned benefit he didn't work for.
Education, like housing or medical care, does not grow free in nature. Just as someone must pay doctors, nurses, and hospitals for all the services they provide, someone must also pay for teachers' salaries, textbooks, janitorial services, and school upkeep. Other than air, nothing that we need is free.
The average public school now gets over $7,500 a year per student, paid from compulsory taxes. To guarantee education as a "right," local, state, and federal governments must tax all Americans to pay for public schools. All of us are taxed, whether or not we have school-age children or think these schools are worth paying for. So when some parents claim that their children have a right to an education, they are really demanding that their local or state government steal money from their neighbors to pay for their children's education.
Here's an analogy that might help clarify this issue. Imagine that your unemployed neighbor comes to you and asks you to lend him money to pay for his children's education. You reply that, though you sympathize with his problem, your answer is no. He responds by saying that he is poor, points out that you have a big house and a job, and insists that his children have a "right" to an education. You say, "Sorry, my answer is still no because I need my money for my own children's education." Suppose that your neighbor then gets real mad, pulls out a gun, puts it to your head, and says, "I asked you nicely. I told you my children need an education. You have a job, and I'm unemployed, so you have a moral duty to give me your money." Then he clicks back the hammer on the gun.
Does your neighbor have the right to put a gun to your head and steal your money because his children "need" an education? He has no such right. Nor does he, or any number of your neighbors, have the right to rob you by getting government to be their enforcer -- by pressuring local governments to take your money through school taxes. Any school system that uses compulsory taxes is a system based on the notion that theft is moral if it's for a good cause. No goal, not even educating children, justifies legalized theft.
It is only natural that all parents want the best education for their children, but do good intentions justify stealing from your neighbor? A mugger on the street who puts a knife to your throat and demands your money also has good intentions -- he wants to make his life better with your money. One of the Ten Commandments says, "Thou shalt not steal." It does not say, "Thou shalt not steal, except if you need tuition money to educate your child." Since no one has a right to steal from his neighbor, no one, including children, has a "right" to an education.
Some might argue that I may be correct on this issue when it comes to adults, but surely we can't punish innocent children for their parent's failures? Just because parents are poor or unemployed, why should innocent children suffer and be denied an education? The answer to that question is one that many people find hard to accept, yet it is true -- there are no guarantees in life, not for adults or for children. Good intentions to alleviate a problem do not justify hurting other people by stealing from them. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Moreover, if we agree that children have a right to an education because their parents are poor, then shouldn't they also have a right to food, a bicycle, a nice house in the suburbs, and designer clothes? If poor kids (and all children) have an alleged right to an education, don't they also have an alleged right to everything else that other kids have whose parents are well-off? Why not then say that anyone, poor, middle-class, or rich who has less money than his neighbor, has the "right" to steal from his neighbor? Where do we stop if some people can legally steal from others because they claim their kids need this or that?
The answer is, we don't stop, and we haven't stopped. That is why our country has turned into a devouring welfare state that is drowning in debt. When I use the word "welfare," I don't mean only for the poor. Rich, poor, and middle-class alike in America now claim the right to everything from corporate tax breaks and subsidies, to price supports for farmers, to Medicare, to rent subsidies for unwed mothers. When we let government steal money from taxpayers to give unearned benefits or subsidies to special-interest groups, we open up a Pandora's box. We become a nation of thieves stealing from each other. Is this what we want America to become?
It is true that a free market does not and can not guarantee that all children have enough to eat or live in a comfortable house. Likewise, a free-market education system in which all parents have to pay for their children's education obviously can't guarantee a quality education for every child.
However, government-controlled public schools also can't guarantee that every child gets a quality education. These failed schools can barely teach our children to read. Also, neither system can make guarantees because there are no guarantees in life, and because each child's abilities, personality, and family background are so different that such guarantees are impossible. The real question, then, is not which system is perfect, but which system is more likely to give the vast majority of children a quality education that most parents could afford?
Public schools fail and betray millions of children, year after year. The only "right" the public-school system gives to school children is the right to suffer through a mind-numbing, third-rate education for twelve years.
In contrast, the free-market, while not perfect, gives us all the wondrous goods and services we buy every day, such as cars, fresh food, computers, refrigerators, and televisions. The superbly efficient and competitive free market gives us all these marvelous products at prices that most people can afford. Even the poorest American families today have a car, refrigerator, and sometimes two televisions in their homes. If we want to discover which system would give the vast majority of children a quality education at reasonable prices, I think we have the answer -- the free market, hands down.
We therefore don't need a failed public-school system to enforce an alleged right to an education, when there is no such right in the first place. Each parent should be responsible for paying for their own children's education, just as they pay for their children's food or clothing.
Finally, public-school apologists use this alleged right to an education to justify keeping the public-school dinosaur alive, in spite of these schools' never-ending failure. Many public-school apologists who claim that children have a right to an education do so out of good intentions. They want to give all children a chance to get a decent education. But good intentions mean worse than nothing if they lead to dismal consequences. This alleged right to an education lets government bureaucrats have tyrannical control over our children's minds and future.
The "right" to an education requires a massive government-controlled public-school system to enforce that right. But it is this same public-school system that cripples the education and lives of millions of children. So, ironically, the alleged right to an education is the worst thing we can offer our children.
Most low-income families don't need government education handouts anymore in the form of allegedly "free" public schools. Parents today can buy quality, low-cost food in a competitive, free-market food industry full of grocery stores and supermarkets. In the same way, parents today can give their kids a quality education using low-cost Internet private schools and homeschooling.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

College Funds - Saving For Your Children's Education

We all want the very best for our kids. We all want them to achieve their full potential, to be happy and most of all have what we did not have. Preparing for the future is something that you need to start thinking about now and with the world changing radically we never know what's around the corner. One thing that is for sure is he importance of a tertiary education. In many ways its the ultimate "gift" you can give your kids because its the gift that keeps on giving. Not only will it enable them to get ahead in life, it will afford them opportunities that 70% of their peers won't have.

A college education is not cheap and with governments all over the world struggling financially themselves, its conceivable that a tertiary education will become more and more expensive in the foreseeable future. A lot of the government funding is already being withdrawn as universities and colleges are left to fend for themselves.
Student loan can provide the financial aid needed to get an education, but its a huge problem that many graduates are faced with right now. Finished with their studies and set to hit the job market, there aren't any jobs. this leaves them with no income and a heavy loan to pay off. Student loans can put anyone on the back foot from day one. Fresh graduates can take years to start earning good money and with the burden of a loan it can really weight them down and set them up for a shaky start to life.

The secret to setting up a college fund for your kids is to start early. Even 1 extra year of savings can really add up over a 20 year period. You really don't have to save a fortune every month. All it takes is a small commitment monthly and the best time to start is the day your kids get born. Starting early and investing in a secure investment vehicle like government bonds or even a money market account can really help you achieve that goal of sending your kids to college - cost free. Its more than a gift. Its a head start in life that money cannot buy.

The Parents Should Take Some Control Over Their Children's Education

The education of children is so important nowadays that you shouldn't leave it up to the schools. Schools do their best but there is more to giving your children a head start in life than what is taught in schools. Schools can only do so much and if your child starts to get left behind in any subject it is time for you - the parents - to step up and do something about it. And that is not going to the school and throwing a tantrum.

It is time to start taking control of your child's future. In Asia the education of children is so important that most students do extra classes outside of school hours. And they nearly all try to learn English. Because they know if they can get ahead in English they will have a very good chance of getting a good job.
In the Western World there doesn't seem to be as much emphasis on education. Schools have gone from a place of learning to some place for kids to go during the day. Elementary children's education in the west is still very good but in high school it starts to fall down.

I think a lot has to do with attitude towards the future. Over the last 30 years we have had a good life and kids have never worried about the future. But that is about to change and I think that will affect the attitude of children towards to education. In China before the economic miracle children needed a good education to survive. But now over the last 10 to 15 years this generation has only seen magnificent cities grow out of the paddy fields. So the children's education standards are dropping dramatically. They are catching up to the west in more ways that one.

Promoting Basic Children's Education Programs

Basic academic programs provide for academic and welfare needs of children. These programs provide children, particularly those from low-income and socio-economic backgrounds, access to basic education, healthcare, and nutrition. Apart from funding, these programs also provide infrastructure, promote sponsorship, and facilitate legal support for children's welfare in crisis communities. Below are examples of established tutoring programs in the United States and around the World.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Learning Plus-The UNICEF Learning Plus is an initiative of our Basic Education and Gender Equality program. Learning Plus promotes child-friendly schools (CFS) that go far beyond their traditional mandate for education: They are one-stop centers for a broad range of essential services. Learning Plus schools feed children, whether through lunches or take-home meals. The program also provides immunizations, micronutrients, deworming treatment, hygiene, and health education programs for the prevention of disease. They also provide care and support for orphans and other vulnerable children-an especially urgent need in countries greatly affected by armed conflict, AIDS and poverty
.Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM)- The Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao, or BEAM project, is a Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) project aiming to improve the quality of and the access to basic education in Southern and Central Mindanao. It is funded by the Government of the Philippines (GoP) and the Government of Australia (GoA) through a AUD$36 million grant from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).

Promoting these programs is essential in order to gain the support and sponsorship that they need. Apart from high-impact marketing campaigns, one effective but affordable alternative is printing small-scale promotional materials. Examples of these include flyers, brochures, pocket folders, stickers, bookmarks, postcards, catalogs, booklets, posters, and canvas prints. Printing companies offer wholesale orders of prints at low or even discounted rates. Online printing companies like Uprinting, even offer convenient discount coupons on printing posters, postcards and canvas prints online.

Parent's Participation in Children's Education

You cannot expect the school district to bear sole responsibility for the teaching of a child. Education is a process, so stick with your child each step along the way to ensure a smooth transition through the years.

Know your child
According to Betsy Combier, administrator for the website, knowing your child is the first step. Take an active role in recognizing what your child's strengths and weaknesses are and knowing how he learns best. If you know what excites and frustrates your child from a learning perspective, then that information can serve as a point of reference for his teacher. Combier recommends sharing these feelings along with him. "Get in there," she says. "Get excited right along with him."

Be active
To maximize your child's education, it is not enough just to have your voice heard during an annual parent-teacher conference. Teachers want your help in educating your child through his successes and failures. Reach out to your child's teacher with phone calls and e-mails. If you two maintain a cooperative relationship from the onset of the school year then if and when an issue arises you can face it together as a team. A joint understanding and clear communication are usually enough to help solve any problem.
Success benchmarks
No classroom environment is perfect. One teacher cannot address each student's needs. Furthermore, since education is not one-size-fits-all, a high grade does not necessarily mean that your child is being challenged. Parents should ask teachers about course benchmarks and their child 's achievements so they are updated.

Don't forget that other parents can provide a wealth of information as well. All of you have expertise in different areas so share what you know. Also, do your part to know what's expected of your child in each grade by researching educational resources online and reading the newspaper to stay current.

Curriculum check
If you are interested in checking out your child's curriculum, approach the situation from a curiosity perspective so you're not on the offensive when talking to your child's teacher. Do not be afraid to ask questions and know there is always more work that can be done at home. You can enhance your child's education by using library resources as well.

Communication tactics
Always act with integrity because your children are watching. Be respectful of the teacher's boundaries since it is his classroom. Set up appointments beforehand and keep careful notes of any communication you have. If any issues escalate that you and the teacher or the guidance counselor cannot resolve then consider reaching out to the principal or another administrator.

The Added Advantage in African American Children's Education - Computer Home Schooling Part 3

We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got spirit how 'bout you!

In our last article our subject was finding resources to homeschool African American children using the Internet and other avenues. In part 3 of 4 we will champion the use of computers to teach our African American children and prepare them for the future where computers will be involved in almost every aspect of our society.

Recent news came out that John Singleton, director of Boyz N the Hood has joined the ranks of other high profile directors in game design development. Video games these days, like the ones your children are probably playing are not only big business, but they also have small movies in them. These directors are becoming involved in video game design because it's a natural extension of their talents.
I'm mentioning this because if your child is playing video games now, with the proper development in the coming years they could be prepared for video game development. The first step is getting them used to using a computer and then adding other skills in software programs that will help them in the future. An example is a powerful graphics program Adobe Photoshop, getting them to dabble now while they are young (and my 9 year-old nephew is better at Photoshop than I am) and exposing them to a formal class later (he had the class) will put them on the road to careers that are way above the pay at your local burger place.

That is just one career example with computers in the industry, it would take a book to show you the ones available today. In the not too distant future computers will be part of our society even more as the computers become smaller and smaller and faster and faster. Not exposing your children to computers now will only harm them and make sure they are left behind with the digital divide growing each day.

A computer homeschool will develop children who are not only computer literate, but able to install software, learn new software, know how to use the Internet for research and communication, know how to keep a computer network secure and other numerous benefits.

Members of our staff support African American computer homeschooling in their area and we have a slight favor to see computer homeschooling everywhere benefit from the advantages of a wireless network. We even have minority friends that work at major retailers in several states that are homeschooled and already have experienced having a wireless home.

Daviyd Peterson: 12-year consultant, instructor, trainer of digital divide solutions for home and business. Helps African American and minority homeschools bridge the digital divide by becoming computer homeschools. Supporting homeschool moms and dads with resources to provide income for their homeschool...

Special Needs Children's Education

It's almost as though homeschooling was invented for a special needs children's education.  Kids afflicted with ADHD, autism, dyslexia or Asperger's among other learning difficulties can all benefit from being taught at home by their parents.  Some public school systems can afford to hire trained therapists for these fields, but the extra attention and time afforded a student at home by a loved one can make a big difference in a child's ability to learn.  It's just natural for a parent to be able to teach their own child more effectively.  They've been doing it for the student's whole life and know how to best approach new things with them.  They will likely be more patient than a public school teacher and offer the extra time it might take to learn.  A classroom would likely not be as able to offer the one-on-one time it might take until a student "gets it".
It's likely a parent would also know better than a public school instructor what manner of teaching would best suit their child.  Some learn better with visual aids, some by repetition and some by seeing it done for them and copying what they're taught.  It's very likely a parent would already know this from their own experience.  They'll also know what to look for when a special needs child is getting frustrated and ready to act up or quit, thereby avoiding a bad learning experience for the child.

If you're wondering what sort of curriculum would best suit your special needs children's education, there are several avenues to get started.

We would first look on the Internet.  Non-profit groups who support your child's disorder will likely have a presence there and should have good information about learning difficulties and how to overcome them.  They will likely make suggestions or direct you to other good sources.  They may even list case studies of various methods of learning and their success rates.

We would also try to find support groups on the Internet for your particular disease.  There will likely be several forums on the Web where you can read others' posts and ask questions directly.  Parents on these websites are often very willing to share their experiences and will offer help when they can.  Although your child is an individual, often there can be common practices that will help almost all children suffering from a common ailment.

There are also many books available about homeschooling your special needs children.  Some are written specifically for particular disorders and offer teaching suggestions as well as curriculum selection guides.  Most are written by people who have been homeschooling their own special needs children, so they speak with experience and write in every day language, rather than from theory with medical-babble-speak.

If you start with these suggestions, you should quickly be on the road to solving how to best get your special needs children educated.  It can be as rewarding for you as it will be for your child since you will have contributed directly to his education and well-being.

A J Adams has had a keen interest in home schooling for a number of years. With several public school teachers in his family, he has had many discussions regarding current school problems. He's heard many suggestions, one of which was the growing number of children being home schooled. After a thorough period of research, he decided to write an article about special needs children education []. He will be submitting more in future articles. Mr. Adams also owns and maintains a website with his wife at [] where you can get a free 10-part mini-course on homeschooling and watch a touching video made by a young man to thank his mother for her many years of homeschooling him.

Why You Should Use Children's Educational Books to Increase Your Child's Intellectual Capacity

Using children's educational books has become one of the most important facets of a child's intellectual growth. Parents are realizing the importance of stimulating their children mentally in order for them to become well developed later on in life. There is a great variety of children's educational books and coupled with the fact that they are affordable, most parents now can afford to use these books. The mental stimulation offered by these books is well worth their price and you won't regret using them.

A great variety of books
There is a great variety of educational books for children. Educational books cover the realm of the Alphabets, Numbers, Animals and books that focus on the right side of the brain and the left side of the brain. It is a great idea to buy all of the books at the same time so that you can expose your child to different things each day. It might become tedious and boring for them to use one book repeatedly each day.

Another great reason for buying educational books for children online is because they have become very affordable. An ABC book costs around £6.99. You could buy two cups of coffee for this amount of money. Look online for a reputable educational book supplier that will help you pick out a few choice books for your child. If you're a savvy shopper you can even find dealers that offer book packages. A book package is a package of all of the books for a discounted price.
Great Mental Stimulation
Children's educational books are designed in such a way that they mentally stimulate your child with pictures, colour and imagination. Each page is carefully crafted so that your child experiences fun and interest while learning. Make sure that you engage your child in such a way that they will actually ask you to learn more about the books. Try to use them once a day for an hour. Don't overburden your child too quickly.

Children's learning books are a quick, easy, affordable way to introduce the alphabet, numbers and animals into their vocabulary. Use the right and left brain books to develop each side of their brains. Both sides of the brains are important for mental stimulation. Once

you've used children educational books for your children you can't help but see the remarkable difference in their development.

Melanie Thomas (CEO Melrose Kids Ltd) is a mother of two boys and lives in London, England. Melrose Kids Ltd are the official distributor of Brainy Baby products in the UK and Ireland.

For 15 years, The Brainy Baby Company has been a pioneer and leader in DVDs, Books, flashcards, Games and Toys for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. The award-winning line of videos, CDs, children's educational books, games, and toys introduce educational subjects such as letters, languages, shapes, animals, art and music. The site also has preschool games for toddlers.

Children's Education - Whose Job is It?

For the past three decades a battle has been growing in the USA that is taking its toll on children of all ages. Interestingly enough this battle is not against an incurable disease or sickness. It can not be stopped by governmental bureaucrats, nor can it be fought with conventional military weaponry. Even though the USA is the most powerful country in the world, has some of the greatest minds on earth and most of the world wealthiest people, this battle grows more intense and continues to disable many children. The battle that I am talking about is called illiteracy.

Today parents have been given various options when it comes to the education of their children. The four major choices are Public School, Private School, Cyber School and Home School. However, Private Schools and Home School require "out-of-pocket" funding from parents and Home School and Cyber School require a parent to stay-at-home. For most American families these three sources of education are not an option, their only option is Public School. Unfortunately it is the public school system where illiteracy runs rampant.
On February 25, 2008, ABC World News story entitled, Living in the Shadows: Illiteracy in America, reported that "7 million Americans are illiterate, 27 million are unable to read well enough to complete a job application and 30 million can't read a simple sentence." These are adult American's who at one time were children in the Public School system. So, what can be done to stop the avalanche of illiteracy in the USA?

The first thing we must do as a nation is stop putting hundreds of millions of dollars in to a public school system that is broken. Somehow we have adopted the mindset that throwing money at it will solve the problem. Who in their right mind would continue to put more money into an automobile that never seems to work right or run properly, no one would because we call them "Lemons?" Well, it's time to stop throwing money at the Public School "Lemon" and fix it!

Next parents must get involved with their local school districts. The lack of involvement by parents allows a small minority of so called educators to set the standard of what they think is best for our children. Hey, it's not working! Parents, please help your children by getting involved in your local school district!

The most important and most effective way to turn illiteracy around is parents must take the responsibility for training their children, especially from infancy to 6 years of age. Research reveals that a child's brain development is most affected from infancy - 6 years of age. There is nothing more powerful than the relationship between a parent and child and parenting is the most natural way to develop your child.

Children learn naturally through play and parents do not need to be educators to have a positive impact on their child's developmental skills, just a loving desire to interact with them is all that it takes. So who are the one's to take the lead in the education of America's children? You guessed it, parents!

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